
What is hypnotherapy?
A certified clinical hypnotherapist uses guided relaxation to get clients into a deep and relaxed state. Once fully relaxed, then I use the power of imagination along with skilled therapy to bring about  the requested changes in thoughts, feelings and behavior. Each client is given a copy of a recording which includes  the guide into relaxation, the good suggestions towards change, and the guide to come back to the present. Listening to the recording helps clients to allow the subconscious absorb the message.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. I am the guide along this self exploration. Many people have already experienced a hypnotic trance in everyday situations. Have you ever driven a regular route so many times that one day you realize you drove part of the route and don’t remember it? There is no magic or mystery with hypnotherapy. It is simply guiding the person into a relaxed state to discover how to help change to live a better life.

What can be expected during a session?
Each session begins with a guided relaxation to get the client in a deeply relaxed state. Next the music will be turned off and the talk therapy happens. Once I have gathered enough information,  then I use that information to give the client the good suggestions to work towards their goal. Finally, I will guide them out of the relaxed state.
Spiritual guides can be a part of hypnotherapy. I am respectful to each person’s beliefs. Clients will never be asked to do something that goes against their personal beliefs.

How is hypnotherapy different than regular therapy?
Hypnotherapy bypasses the critical part of the mind that is blocking or dismissive. This often is a part of the mind that reacts in a negative way towards growth, acceptance or change. If someone is going through life thinking “I am not good enough,” then hypnotherapy will let me bypass this critical mind. I am then able to find the positive change and growth possible. Clients must be motivated and willing to allow this change to happen.

What if I already have a therapist?
Clients may come for a set series of hypnotherapy sessions to work on a specific issue before returning to their regular therapist. I would coordinate with your therapist to provide the best care.

What are the uses for hypnotherapy?

  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Manage Depression
  • Address Trauma
  • Stress management
  • Improve Self-esteem
  • Improve Sleep
  • Lose weight
  • Address Grief and Loss
  • Assist in Pain Management
  • Prepare for Surgery
  • Support mothers using “Hypnobabies” for birth
  • Manage Negative Personal Habits